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Plan of the Chorin monastery concert hall and description of the seating areasSaalplan 25 schematisch klein web

Price group A 1
- Seats in rows 1-13 in the central nave

Price group 1
- Seats in rows 14-25 in the centre aisle

Price group 2
partially obstructed view
- Seats on rows 26-37 in centre aisle
- Seats on rows 1-3 left transept
- Seats in rows 1-3 right transept
- North aisle First row 2, seats 1 to 4, row 1, seats 1 and 2.

Price group 3
Restricted view
Seats in centre aisle, rows 38-49
- Seats in left transept, rows 4 to 6
- Seats in right transept, rows 4-5.

Price group 4
without view of stage
- Seats in front of north aisle.
- Seats between the pillars inside the front nave

Price group 5
without view of stage
- Seats at the rear of the north aisle.
- Seats in the east and west cloisters.

Price group 6
- Outdoor listening areas outside the nave, without seating. No view of stage
- Wheelchair spaces transept right in front of row 1